New :Karmen raises 9M to democratize SME financing
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Terms and conditions of use

1. Company identification

KARMEN (the " Company ") is a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) with share capital of €48,783.80, registered in the Créteil Trade and Companies Register under no. 899 181 226, with its registered office at 112 avenue de Paris - 94306 Vincennes CEDEX, France.
The Company can be contacted at the following address:
- e-mail address:

2. Services offered

The Company offers companies (the " Customers ") financing (the "Financing(s)"). The terms and conditions of the Financing(s), in particular their amount and repayment terms, are variable and set out in a stand-alone financing contract (the " Financing Contract ").
The Financing(s) is offered by KARMEN FUND, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) specializing in sub-fund financing, governed by Articles L. 214-166-1 et seq. and L. 214-190-1 et seq. of the French Monetary and Financial Code, with share capital of €100.00, registered with the Créteil Trade and Companies Register under no. 929 018 190, having its registered office at 112 avenue de Paris - 94306 Vincennes CEDEX, France (the " Lender "). The Lender is managed by SMART LENDERS ASSET MANAGEMENT, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of €976,500.00, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under no. 832 482 095, whose registered office is located at 109 boulevard Haussmann - 75008 Paris, and approved as a Portfolio Management Company under no. GP-17000031 (the " Manager ").
The Company offers its customers the opportunity to compile their Financing files, which it then forwards to the Lender, and to access a tool for viewing the Financing (the " Services ") via the platform accessible at (the " Platform ").
In this capacity, the Company acts as Mandataire en opérations de banque et de services de paiement(MOBSP) for the Lender's Manager. The Company is registered with the ORIAS under number 24002640.
The Company reserves the right to offer any other Service.

3. Documents relating to the contractual relationship between the Client and the Company

Functions of the general conditions

The Company's general terms and conditions (the " General Terms and Conditions ") constitute the sole document governing its contractual relationship with the Customer and define : The terms of use of its Services,The respective obligations of the parties.

Location of the general conditions

The Customer can find them via a direct link in the footer of the Platform.

Acceptance of the General Conditions

The Customer accepts the General Terms and Conditions by checking a box on the registration form. They may be supplemented by special conditions which, in the event of contradiction, take precedence over the General Conditions.

4. Conditions of access to the Services

(i) The Client is a legal entity acting through a natural person who has the power or authority to enter into a contract in the name of and on behalf of the Client.
(ii) The Client is a professional, understood as any natural or legal person acting for purposes relating to his commercial, industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity, including when acting in the name or on behalf of another professional.

5. Terms and conditions of subscription to services

The Customer must complete the appropriate form on the Platform.
The Company also reserves the right to allow subscription to Services through third-party partners. In this respect, the specific subscription procedures will be specified by the third-party partners or during the specific subscription process.
The Customer must provide the Company with all the information marked as mandatory.
Registration automatically opens an account in the Customer's name (the " Account "), enabling him/her to access the Services using his/her login and password.

6. How to access the services

The Customer can access the Services by going directly to the Platform.

7. Supplementary benefits

7.1. The Services
‍Prior to any subscription, the Customer may review the characteristics of the Services on the Platform.
The Customer acknowledges:having taken cognizance of the characteristics and constraints, particularly technical, of the Services, that the implementation of the Services requires being connected to the Internet and that the quality of the Services depends on this connection, for which the Company is not responsible.
The Services to which the Customer has subscribed are described on the Platform.
The Platform enables the Customer:
Create a Financing file by sharing mandatory data via secure and confidential API connections with the Customer's existing tools;Access a tool for viewing, simulating and tracking Financing in the event that the Customer's Financing application is accepted.
The Financing application is forwarded by the Company to the Lender's Manager. The Lender's Manager assesses whether the Financing application complies with the terms and conditions for obtaining Financing and determines its terms and conditions.

‍7.2. Additional services
For the duration of the Services, the Customer benefits from maintenance, in particular corrective and evolutionary maintenance.
In this context, access to the Platform may be limited or suspended.

Concerning corrective maintenance, the Company makes its best efforts to provide the Customer with corrective maintenance in order to correct any malfunction or bug identified on thePlatform.

Concerning, evolutionary maintenance, the Customer benefits for the duration of the Services from evolutionary maintenance, which the Company may carry out automatically and without prior notice, and which includes improvements to the Platform's functionalities and/or technical facilities used in connection with the Platform (aimed at introducing minor or major extensions).
Access to the Platform may moreover be limited or suspended for planned maintenance reasons.

Hosting :
The Company ensures, under the terms of an obligation of means, the hosting of the Platform, as well as the data produced and/or entered by/on the Platform, on its servers or through a professional hosting provider, and on servers located in a territory of the European Union.

Technical assistance : In the event of any difficulty encountered in using the Services, the Customer may contact the Company using the contact details given in the article "Identification of the Company".

8. Duration of subscription to the Services

The Customer subscribes to the Services for an indefinite period.
The duration of the Financing is indicated in the Financing Agreement.  

9. Prices of services

Subject to the provisions of the Financing Agreement, the Services are provided free of charge.

10. Intellectual property rights

The Platform is the property of the Company, as are the software, infrastructures, databases and content of any kind (texts, images, visuals, music, logos, brands, etc.) that it uses. They are protected by all intellectual property rights or database producers' rights in force.
The licence that the Company grants to the Client does not entail any transfer of ownership. The Client benefits from a non-exclusive, personal and non-transferable licence in SaaS mode to use the Platform for the duration set out in the article "Duration of subscription to the Services".

11 Customer's obligation and liability

11.1 Concerning the provision of information
The Customer undertakes to provide the Company with all the information required to subscribe to and use the Services.
The Customer undertakes to provide accurate, sincere and up-to-date information concerning his commercial and financial situation. Any transmission of erroneous, falsified or misleading information constitutes a serious breach of the present terms and conditions and is liable to penal sanctions. In this respect, the Company reserves the right to take any legal action it deems appropriate to defend its interests.
Subject to the provisions of the " Confidentiality " article, the Customer accepts that the data transmitted/recovered on the Platform may be stored and used in an anonymized manner for the purposes of improving the Company's Financing allocation system, even after the contractual relationship has ended.

11.2 Concerning the Customer's Account
The Customer:
- guarantees that, on the day of submission of his Financing application, the information transmitted in the form is accurate and up to date,
- acknowledges that this information is proof of his identity and commits him as soon as it is validated,
- is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of his login and password.

Any access to the Platform using the latter is deemed to have been made by the Customer.
The Customer must immediately contact the Company using the contact details mentioned in the article "Identification of the Company" if he/she notices that his/her Account has been used without his/her knowledge. The Customer acknowledges that the Company shall have the right to take all appropriate measures in such a case.

11.3 Concerning the use of the Services
The Customer is responsible for his use of the Services and for any information he shares or decisions he makes in connection with such use. He undertakes to use the Services personally and not to allow any third party to use them in his place or on his behalf.

The Customer undertakes not to misuse the Services for purposes other than those for which they were designed, and in particular to :
- engage in any illegal or fraudulent activity,
- offend against public order and morality,
- infringe third parties or their rights in any way whatsoever,
- violate any contractual, legislative or regulatory provision,
- carrying out any activity likely to interfere in a third party's computer system, in particular for the purpose of violating its integrity or security,
- carrying out maneuvers aimed at promoting its services and/or sites or those of a third party,
- helping or inciting a third party to commit one or more of the acts or activities listed above.

The Customer also agrees not to :
- copying, modifying or misappropriating any element belonging to the Company or any concept it exploits as part of the Services,
- adopting any behaviour likely to interfere with or misappropriate the Company's computer systems or undermine its computer security measures,
- infringing the Company's financial, commercial or moral rights and interests,
- marketing, transferring or giving access in any way whatsoever to the Services, to the information hosted on the Platform or to any element belonging to the Company.
The Customer indemnifies the Company against any claim and/or action that may be brought against it as a result of the breach of any of the Customer's obligations.
The Customer shall indemnify the Company for any loss suffered and reimburse the Company for any sums it may have to bear as a result.

12 Obligation and liability of the Company

La Société s’engage à fournir les Services avec diligence, étant précisé qu’elle est tenue à une obligation de moyens.
La Société s’engage à respecter la règlementation en vigueur et plus particulièrement la règlementation relative au Financement.
La Société fait ses meilleurs efforts pour transmettre la demande de Financement du Client au Prêteur et à son Gestionnaire dans un délai raisonnable ou dans tout délai qui serait indiqué sur la Plateforme. Ces délais étant fournis à titre indicatif, la Société ne sera pas responsable en cas de non-respect.
Le Client reconnaît que toute demande de financement est soumise à l’appréciation souveraine du Gestionnaire du Prêteur en fonction des données transmises dans le cadre de sa souscription aux Services. Elle ne peut être tenue responsable des délais de traitement de la demande de Financement par le Gestionnaire.

12.1. Concernant la qualité des Services
La Société fait ses meilleurs efforts pour fournir au Client des Services de qualité. A cette fin, elle procède régulièrement à des contrôles afin de vérifier le fonctionnement et l’accessibilité de ses Services et peut ainsi réaliser une maintenance dans les conditions précisées à l’article « Maintenance ».

La Société n’est néanmoins pas responsable des difficultés ou impossibilités momentanées d’accès à ses Services qui auraient pour origine :
- des circonstances extérieures à son réseau (et notamment la défaillance partielle ou totale des serveurs du Client ou de services tiers),
- de la défaillance d’un équipement, d’un câblage, de services ou de réseaux non inclus dans ses Services ou qui n’est pas sous sa responsabilité,
- de l’interruption des Services du fait des opérateurs télécoms ou fournisseurs d’accès à internet,
- de l’intervention du Client notamment via une mauvaise configuration appliquée sur les Services,
- d’un cas de force majeure.

La Société est responsable du fonctionnement de ses serveurs, dont les limites extérieures sont constituées par les points de raccordement.

Par ailleurs, elle ne garantit pas que les Services, :
- soumis à une recherche constante pour en améliorer notamment la performance et le progrès, seront totalement exempts d’erreurs, de vices ou défauts,
- étant standard et nullement proposés en fonction des contraintes personnelles du Client, répondront spécifiquement à ses besoins et attentes.

12.2. Concernant la garantie de niveau de service de la Plateforme

La Société fait ses meilleurs efforts pour maintenir un accès à la Plateforme 24h/24h et 7j/7j sauf en cas de maintenance planifiée dans les conditions définies à l’article « Maintenance » ou de force majeure.

12.3. Concernant la sauvegarde des données sur la Plateforme
La Société fait ses meilleurs efforts pour sauvegarder toutes données produites et/ou saisies par/sur la Plateforme.
Sauf en cas de fautes avérées de la part de la Société, elle n’est néanmoins pas responsable de toute perte de données au cours des opérations de maintenance.

12.4. Concernant le stockage et la sécurité des données

La Société fournit des capacités de stockage suffisantes pour l’exploitation des Services.
La Société fait ses meilleurs efforts pour assurer la sécurité des données en mettant en œuvre des mesures de protection des infrastructures et de la Plateforme, de détection et prévention des actes malveillants et de récupération des données.

12.5. Concernant la publicité sur la Plateforme
La Société peut publier et/ou envoyer au Client tous messages publicitaires ou promotionnels en le renvoyant notamment vers des plateformes tierces.
La Société n’est néanmoins pas responsable de :
- la disponibilité technique et des contenus, produits et/ou services de ces plateformes,
- les relations du Client nouées par l’intermédiaire de ces plateformes.

12.6. Concernant le recours à la sous-traitance et la cession
La Société peut recourir à des sous-traitants dans le cadre de l’exécution des Services, qui sont soumis aux mêmes obligations que les siennes dans le cadre de leur intervention.
Elle reste néanmoins seule responsable de la bonne exécution des Services à l’égard du Client.
La Société peut se substituer toute personne qui sera subrogée dans tous ses droits et obligations au titre de sa relation contractuelle avec le Client. Le cas échéant, elle informera le Client de cette substitution par tout moyen écrit.

13. Limitation of the Company's liability

The Company's liability is limited solely to proven direct damage suffered by the Customer as a result of using the Services.
In the absence of the conclusion of a Financing Contract, the financing simulation carried out by the Platform consists solely of a simulation and in no way constitutes a Financing offer engaging the liability of the Company, the Lender or the Manager.
The liability of the Company, the Lender and the Manager may also not be engaged if the Customer has not received a positive response to his/her Financing request, the Manager reserving the right to accept or refuse any Financing request.

14. Admissible mode of proof

Proof may be established by any means.
The Customer is hereby informed that the messages exchanged via the Platform, as well as the data collected on the Platform and the Company's computer equipment, constitute the principal means of proof admitted, in particular to demonstrate the reality of the Services performed and the calculation of their price.

15. How personal data is processed

The Company has a personal data protection policy that is accessible here.
It invites the Client to read it.

16. Privacy

Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the other party, the Parties respectively undertake to keep confidential, for the duration of their contractual relationship and 3 years thereafter, all information relating to or held by the other party, of which they may have become aware during the conclusion and performance of their contractual relationship.

This obligation does not extend to information:
- of which the party receiving it was already aware,
- which was already public at the time it was communicated, or which would become public without violation of this clause,
- which was received from a third party in a lawful manner,
- the communication of which would be required by the judicial authorities, in application of laws and regulations, or in order to establish the rights of a party within the framework of the contractual relationship between the parties.

Confidential information may be passed on to the parties' respective employees, collaborators, trainees, agents and co-contractors, provided that they are subject to the same obligation of confidentiality.

17. Force majeure

The parties shall not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of their contractual obligations due to an event of force majeure occurring during the term of their relationship.
Force majeure includes:
- any case meeting the conditions of article 1218 of the Civil Code and recognised by the jurisprudence,
- strikes, terrorist activities, riots, insurrections, wars, governmental actions, epidemics, natural disasters or failure attributable to a third party telecommunications provider.
If one of the parties is prevented from performing its obligations due to force majeure, it must inform the other party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
The obligations shall be suspended upon receipt of the letter and shall be resumed within a reasonable period of time upon cessation of the case of force majeure.
The party prevented from doing so shall nevertheless remain bound by the performance of the obligations that are not affected by force majeure and by any payment obligations.
If such force majeure lasts for more than 30 working days, the Company may immediately terminate its contractual relationship with the Client by any written means.

18. End of Services

The Client may unsubscribe from the Services by sending a request to the Company at the address mentioned in the article "Identification of the Company" or through your Account. The termination is effective immediately.
The Client no longer has access to his/her account as of the end of the Services.

19. Penalties for non-compliance

The payment of the price of the Services as well as the obligations set out in the article "Client's obligations and liability" constitute essential obligations. In the event of a breach of these obligations, the Company may:
- suspend or remove the Client's access to the Services,
- publish on the Platform any information message that the Company deems useful,
- send the Client a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt in order to:
o terminate the contractual relationship between the Client and the Company, with the termination taking effect on the day of receipt or first presentation of this letter,
o or to ask the Client to remedy the breach within a maximum of 15 calendar days. Termination will take effect at the end of this period if the breach is not remedied.

Termination will result in the deletion of the Customer's Account,
- notify any competent authority, cooperate with it and provide it with any information useful for the investigation and repression of illegal or illicit activities,
- take any legal action.

These sanctions are without prejudice to any damages that the Company may claim from the Client.

20. Amendments to the General Conditions

The Company may modify its General Conditions at any time and will inform the Client by any written means (and in particular by email) at least 30 calendar days before they come into force.
The modified General Conditions are applicable as soon as they come into force.

If the Customer does not accept these modifications, he/she must unsubscribe from the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the article "Termination of Services".
If the Client uses the Services after the entry into force of the modified General Terms and Conditions, the Company considers that the Client has accepted them.

21. Languages

The French language shall prevail in case of contradiction or dispute as to the meaning of a term or provision.

22. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The General Conditions are governed by French law.
In the event of a dispute between the Client and the Company, and in the absence of an amicable agreement within 2 months of the first notification, the dispute shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Paris (France), unless otherwise stipulated by mandatory provisions.