Creation date :
Size :
1.2 M€ sales
Location :
Financing used :
Karmen Loan
Amount :
350 000€
Increased MRO and funding for new hires

Hello Olivier! Can you introduce yourself in a few words? And what does digiRocks do?

Hello! I am Olivier Marx, founder of digiRocks. DigiRocks is a 100% remote digital recruitment agency. We are 13 Rockers recruiting morning, noon and night exclusively on 50 digital jobs, excluding developers. In short, we create meetings between people. We are a recruitment agency with 300 clients.

In what context did digiRocks need financing?‍

Last March, we recruited 5 additional permanent employees. Since we are a recruitment firm paid at Full Success Fees, we needed to cover the BFR of the 3 month training period. I said to myself, "Why not RBF(Revenue Base Financing) to get through an MRR milestone?".

In summary, we needed a non-dilutive short-term loan to boost our MRR, less time-consuming and less restrictive than bank files (which we also like!).

What were your selection criteria for your support service?

We knew a little bit about the RBF, which we had already been testing since 2021. So we knew that we would start with this solution. As for the structure that would accompany us, as always, we wanted to identify the players in the sector ... Then we went for it: in 1 week everything was already set with Karmen! At DigiRocks, we like to identify and use the services of companies in their early stages. That's why we got interested in Karmen immediately.

Can you tell us about setting up the financing with Karmen?

Absolutely top-notch! Digitized, human, serious, ultra-fast... Everything was very simple and smooth. I really liked the precise and professional questions, which is a nice change from banks where you spend a lot of time filling out files only to have someone other than your initial contacts make the final decision. 

How has Karmen contributed to digiRocks' success?

What is success? The baccalaureate in philosophy is already over 😉 . More seriously, I was looking for the simple financing brick and zero headaches: I think I found it! We have a loan of 150K€ on 12 months, I can't wait to borrow 1 million on 48 months. Amazon invented the one-click order, we all need a serious one-click, non-dilutive loan. Well, of course, you have to pay it back which is why you have to focus 100% on the business. 

How do you see the collaboration between digiRocks and Karmen continuing?‍

The million over 48 months? Come on, let's raise theARR a bit first!

What would you say to a start-up looking for a quick financing solution for its growth? 

Is your MRR good? You're out of cash because you put everything into cryptos? You want to recruit but the VCs are not favorable or you don't want to dilute yourself? Go Karmen!

The last word ?‍

It's not the whole story, but if I want the future 1 million Karmen loan, I need to boost my MRR. Excel is easy, but in real life, you have to apply the concept: Serenity = Solidity + Profitability. Back to Business!